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What Goes Bump in the Night: Top 10 Thrills & Chills from Dark Romance Author Nina R. Schluntz


Relationships can be killer...

Especially when they're between a soul-eating demon and his unaware human stalker.

Kidnapped Killer, a dark paranormal romance from author Nina R. Schluntz, is packed with spine-tingling moments. InkSpired sat down with dark romance author Nina R. Schluntz during the blog tour for her book to find out her Top 10 list of favorite thrills and chills from Hollywood.

Check out what makes Nina sleep with the nightlight on, then read more about the books, and join in on the tour-wide $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway! ANd don't miss the second book, Killer Clowder, releasing on March 28, 2023!

Kidnapped Killer. Read it today...if you dare.

Book Details:

Kidnapped Killer (Kidnapped #1)

by Nina R. Schluntz

Publication Date: September 6, 2022

Genre: Adult Dark Paranormal Romance; LGBTQ


One brief encounter and Jimena is determined to make Nic his at all costs. He wants him to be solely his, completely and utterly at his mercy. But, popular, gorgeous Nic doesn’t see Jimena. He is background material at best.

Until Jimena drugs him at a bar and ties him up in his basement.

If that didn’t get Nic’s attention, then the dozen or so bodies buried in the basement he’s tied up in does.

Nic feeds on souls. They taste better if they are flavored by strong emotion, usually fear or pain.

Jimena tastes different. His soul is flavored in obsessive love, focused on Nic. He’s never been loved by someone before, even if it is an unhealthy love and Jimena wants him dead. Not in a hateful way, but in a, I don’t want anyone else to have you, kind of way.

If only Nic could convince him to try being a normal boyfriend, he might be able to feed off Jimena’s soul for a few decades.

A deadly dance begins. A demon wanting to be loved and a serial killer wanting to kill his lover.

If they can find a balance, they might just find they’re perfect for each other.


- Bookbub:

Book Trailer

You can watch the book trailer for Kidnapped Killer here:

Second book in the series releases on 28 March!

Kidnapped Clowder (Kidnapped #2)

by Nina R. Schluntz

Genre: Dark Paranormal Romance

Age category: Adult

Release Date: 28 March 2023


It’s been over a year since Jimena kidnapped Nic and locked him in his basement. Turns out demons love being adored, even by serial killers. This long-term toxic relationship that’s become a marriage hinges on Jimena’s ability to show he is reformed.

What better way to do this than by adopting a feral cat… or seven. Jimena’s new obsession shows him the dark side of humanity and how cruel they can be to unwanted pets.

His murderous intent is now misguided and used to avenge the animals that can’t protect themselves.

It’s an improvement, sort of. Except the demon cop that’s helping keep Jimena out of jail is bringing up old feelings and Jimena is considering upgrading in demons. Might upgrade from avenging pets to avenging people too, because these mass shootings involving children are getting a bit annoying.

Jimena and Nic continue their toxic love story that may not last much longer, especially if Jimena locks a demon cop in his basement.


- Bookbub:


Top Ten Hollywood Thrills & Chills

with Author

Nina R. Schluntz

with comments from InkSpired

1. Silence of the Lambs

(A great flick "...with some fava beans and a nice chianti.")

2. Memento

(Because who doesn't want a relationship where you can say whatever you want "because you won't remember"?"

3. Aliens

(Because the really scary stuff "mostly comes at night. Mostly.")

4. The Prestige

(Just one word..."Abracadabra.)

5. Gone Girl

(And honestly, this one quote from the book would have sold us, even without the rest of Gillian Flynn's inspired writing: “It’s a very difficult era in which to be a person, just a real, actual person, instead of a collection of personality traits selected from an endless Automat of characters.”)

6. Se7en

("Excuse me, sir. Are you, by any chance, a serial killer?" And I mean, come on...any movie where something bad happens to Brad Pitt is scary, right?)

7. The Butterfly Effect

("In the next 30 seconds you're gonna open 1 of 2 doors. The first door will forever traumatize your own flesh and blood." 'Cause THAT's no pressure!)

8. Birdbox

(Josh Malerman hit it spot on with this quote from the book: "Man is the creature he fears.")

9. Morbius

(Not gonna lie...not a huge Jared Leto fan, so we can't comment here...but we have to say, Marcelo Ferreira's artwork in the graphic novels is deliciously terrifying!)

10. A Sound of Thunder

(Ray Bradbury+Ben Kingsley. 'Nuff said.)


About the Author:

Nina Schluntz is a native to rural Nebraska. In her youth, she often wrote short stories to entertain her friends. Those ideas evolved into the novels she creates today.

Her husband continues to ensure her stories maintain a touch of realism as she delves into the science fiction and fantasy realm. Their three cats are always willing to stay up late to provide inspiration, whether it is a howl from the stray born in the backyard or an encouraging bite from the so called “calming kitten.”

Author Links:


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Mar 22, 2023

Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details and for offering a giveaway, Kidnapped Killers sounds like a story that I will enjoy reading and I am looking forward to the next story from the series as well

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