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Learning Big Ideas with Little People: New Children’s Nonfiction from Clemency Crow, Guest Post & Giveaway

Learning will be music to your little one’s ears with this brand new book from elementary educator and author, Clemency Crow! Read a free excerpt and join in the giveaway for a $10 Amazon/B&N Gift Card! The author has also taken some time to share how she gets little one’s excited about learning BIG ideas through books. Read the guest post below!



by Clemency Crow

GENRE: Children's Nonfiction




Embark on a musical journey through time with a captivating book specially crafted for children and young adults.


Through the pages of "Little People: 10 Famous Composers", readers will not only learn about the composers' masterpieces but also gain insight into the challenges and triumphs that fuelled their creativity.


Perfect for aspiring musicians, history enthusiasts, or anyone with a love for melody, "Little People: 10 Famous Composers" is an engaging and educational exploration of the power of music and the extraordinary individuals who composed their way into history.





Ludwig Van Beethoven

1770 - 1827


Beethoven has earned the distinction of being one of the world’s most popular composers, while being deaf. Although Beethoven said his deafness was because of an argument with a singer, he suffered from tinnitus which made his hearing worse.


Nevertheless, he went on to compose some of the world’s best loved songs, including ‘Ode to Joy’, (the Ninth Symphony, the Choral Symphony). This was later adopted by the EU as their anthem.


While Beethoven’s deafness did not stop him from composing as he used the vibrations from his piano, and he knew enough about the science of music to compose pleasing tunes and hear it in his head, it did make live performances almost impossible. This was a problem because it was an important source of income for the composer. Eventually, when his music began to get more popular, his income came from publishing his compositions and from people who believed enough in his work to give him money.


Beethoven was deaf, but that did not stop him from making great music. He wrote ‘Ode to Joy’, and a lot of piano music.





From Fact to Fun—7 Ways of Making Nonfiction Exciting for Young Readers

Nonfiction often gets a bad rap with young readers, dismissed as boring or too complex. But the world of facts can be just as thrilling as the most fantastical fiction. The key is to unlock the potential by making it engaging and accessible. Here are 7 tips and tricks (my lucky number!) to transform facts into fun for young minds.

1. Use Engaging Visuals

Pictures speak a thousand words, especially for young readers. Bright, colourful illustrations, photographs, and infographics can bring nonfiction topics to life. Visuals help explain complex ideas in a simple and appealing way, making the learning experience more enjoyable. Creating the illustrations for “Famous Composers” was my favourite part of creating the book. They’re colourful and funny!

2. Interactive Elements

As a small publisher, it can be difficult to include interactive elements, such as those with flaps or pop-ups. However, QR codes could lead to supplementary videos and activities. They can make nonfiction more dynamic, and they’re very simple to include. Adobe Indesign (which I use for all my books) also has QR codes available for free. Interactive elements encourage active participation and exploration, turning reading into an adventure.

3. Fun Facts and Trivia

Children love trivia and surprising tidbits. Incorporate fun facts, quirky trivia, and interesting side notes into the text. These nuggets of information can serve as entry points that spark curiosity and invite further exploration.

4. Relatable Analogies

Use analogies that children can relate to, helping them understand complex concepts by comparing them to familiar experiences. If you’re writing about historical people, like I did with “Famous Composers”, try and pick out facts about them that the kids will understand.

5. Incorporate Humor

A dash of humor goes a long way. Funny anecdotes, amusing illustrations, and playful language can make nonfiction more appealing. Humor keeps the tone light and engaging, making the learning process feel less like a chore and more like a game. The style of the illustrations in “Famous Composers” is, in itself, humourous, with oversized heads and tiny bodies!

6. Diverse Formats

Nonfiction doesn't have to be confined to traditional books. Consider creating graphic novels, magazines, or even websites. Different formats cater to different learning styles and preferences, ensuring that there's something for every young reader.

7. Role Models and Real-Life Heroes

Introduce young readers to inspiring real-life heroes and role models. Biographies show children that nonfiction is full of exciting and admirable figures. These stories can motivate kids to pursue their interests and dream big.

Turning fact into fun is all about creativity and connection. By presenting nonfiction in a way that captivates young minds, we can instill a lifelong love of learning and curiosity. So, let's dive into the world of facts and transform it into an exciting adventure for the next generation of readers. With the right approach, nonfiction can be every bit as enchanting as the wildest tales of fiction.

Thank you for taking the time to peruse my blog post! While we continue to upload “Famous Composers” to Amazon, the paperback for “Famous Composers” is available from the Crowvus shop:




Don’t miss the chance to win a $10 Amazon/B&N Gift Card from the author! Join in at



Clemency is a primary school teacher, children’s author, and illustrator, based in rural Caithness with her family and two needy spaniels. In fact, Clemency is typing this one handed, because Jess cries if she isn’t stroked for five seconds.


When she isn’t writing, Clemency loves designing new parts of her garden, trying to find plants that will withstand the 70mph winds that are likely to batter them. She is oftentimes to be found tearing her hair out at the prevalence of ground elder in the flower borders, while cultivated species struggle to survive.


Clemency’s favourite genre to write, and read, is fantasy adventure. This gives her ample opportunity to put her long suffering characters in perilous situations.



Website (currently in process of switching to Wordpress, but I’ll keep you updated if it changes)


Blue Sky - Social Media

13 views2 comments


Sherry Strode
Sherry Strode
Jul 12

This looks like a great read.


Marianne Judy
Marianne Judy
Jul 11

Thank you so much for featuring this book today.

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